What sets certified metal carport covers apart from an uncertified metalmetal buildings, metal garage kits, metal garage prices carport covers?

Non-certified metal carports haven’t earned an engineer rating for snow and wind load. Certified carports are designed by professional engineers to stand up to specific snow and wind loads in a given area. Certified carport covers may be built with additional structural tubing and include superior secure anchoring systems with extra bracing, in addition to tighter screw pattern spacing. If the area you live in doesn’t require certification but is at risk of high winds or heavy snow, you’re better off buying a certified metal carport. The peace of mind you’ll experience by owning a certified garage or carport that’s built to withstand the worst that Mother Nature throws at it is a fantastic feeling. While you’ll pay a little more for a certified metal carport/garage, you’ll also benefit from excellent value, a superior product and outstanding performance.
Where can I purchase a carport that will hold up the best?
Figuring out where to purchase a certified carport cover really comes down to common sense. First, look for dealers who have been in business for a substantial time (over 10 years). Next, confirm that they have access to structurally superior, sound metal buildings. Last but not least, find out if they have one of their own metal RV covers protecting their camper – if they do, it’s a good sign that they have confidence in their metal RV carport covers.

How can I be sure a metal building is built to certain wind ratings?
Ask the metal carport dealer you’re considering for the engineer drawings that are stamped by the engineer licensed in the state the garage is being built in. A reputable dealer will be happy to provide these documents for you. If not, move on.
What size carports ideally hold up better in storms?
Ideally the smaller and lower the building, the less exposure to wind. That being said, if the metal carport isn’t built properly, what size it is won’t matter. The location of the carport also needs to be taken into consideration. Look for possible wind breaks like tree lines, buildings, heavy vegetation, and rises in the landscape to build near.

How often should I clean my steel carport cover to ensure longevity?
One of the advantages of owning a metal carport is how easy they are to maintain. If you keep up with maintenance, keeping an eye out for mildew and mold, you’ll extend the life of your carport. Mildew and mold mitigation can be controlled with mild detergent cleaners. In more severe cases, you can clean your metal carport with a light Clorox solution mixed with a product called Jomax® which can be purchased at most retail outlets. Protecting your investment by performing regular maintenance will ensure years of reliable service.
What else can I do to improve the structural integrity once it’s built?
Invest in severe wind exposure add-ons like placing a twelve foot long “treated for ground contact” timber four feet in the ground next to each corner leg. Attach the timber to the leg with either metal strapping or a very long bolt and nut. This will keep the carport from “tweaking” to one side in high winds. For RV covers exceeding 25’ long, place a timber midway on each side as well.

How do I make the best buying decision as I shop for an engineered metal garage shelter?
Come up with a list of specific questions to ask the dealer you’re researching. For instance, ask the dealer questions about braces, ground anchors or concrete anchors and the gauge of metal used in the frame. In addition, ask the metal carport dealer you’re considering for testimonials from past customers who have purchased buildings that have weathered hurricanes in the past.
When hurricanes strike, metal buildings are often the only ones that survive intact. If you live in an area that experiences hurricanes and other types of inclement weather, take the time to find out if the manufacturer has complied with local building codes and regulations prior to buying. It will ensure that your structure is built to handle local weather conditions.
Who do I trust for qualified guidance when designing my RV carport?

New Deal Metal Buildings. Locally owned and operated, the team is considered by many tocarport kits, carport canopy, metal carport, be the “carport guys”, gurus in the industry whose past customers confidently refer their family and friends. When you buy your metal RV carport from us, you can rest assured that your building is designed to comply with your local codes for high winds and snow load conditions in your area.
Our certified metal RV carport covers provide shelter for your most valued property that will stand up to the country’s most hazardous weather conditions – a worthy investment.